No heartbeat 8 weeks

Emily • Trying for baby #1 since Feb 2019

I had my first 8 week scan at the doctors last Thursday (10/7). The ultrasound tech (ultrasound was transvaginal) was the only one in the room to “confirm” no heartbeat. He said I was measuring only 7 week, but my chart said I measured 7 w 5 days which isn’t far off from the 8 weeks that I thought I was. Well anyway, the doctor came in and was pushing me to take cytotech or do D&C as early as that day or the next. I was in shock and I told him I wanted to wait. He said “I mean you can have another ultrasound if you want, but this is pretty sure, we should see a heartbeat by now” I opted for the 2nd scan which is on Tuesday - 2 days from now. I have a feeling I won’t see the heart beat but I don’t want to act on it right away like they want me to. Everyone was extremely rude at the doctors office and I am so upset with this experience. I’m worried the tech won’t take me seriously because I’m getting a second scan, and that he won’t truly check everything. I don’t know what to think. But I feel they should always do a second scan before offering D&C or cytotec