Back to work- pumping help needed!


Okay so I need help if you can give me any please! I am a teacher and going back to work next week. My baby will be 9 weeks old. I am obviously going to be transitioning from BF all day to pumping and I’m thinking I may just transition into EP altogether. Just because of how my schedule is I won’t be able to pump exactly the same amount of time apart each time. This would be a rough pumping schedule I can do:

6:45 am

9:55 am

1:10 pm

3:15 pm

5:45 pm

Question 1: is it going to mess up my supply if I can’t pump exactly when he eats? (Or how often he eats?)

Question 2: how many ounces should he be eating each feeding? (Since he’s going to be using bottles) He currently nurses about every 2-3 hours.

Usually when we’ve ever given him a bottle we give him 4-5 ounces, and that works, but that’s also when I’m able to nurse him whenever he’s hungry again. I won’t be able to do that anymore and I want to make sure I’m giving him enough to get him to the next feeding time and try to keep him roughly on the same schedule as my pumping.

Any help or advice would be appreciated! I know it’s obviously going to take time for both of us to adjust, I’m so nervous about how this is going to go.