Moms, if your daughter became pregnant at 17 would you let her get an abortion?

if you’re 17 year old daughter became pregnant would you let her get an abortion? she is very responsible with grades, always has been high honors and respectful and her future is so bright. it’s not like her to be irresponsible, but what would you do? let her suffer the consequences?????

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Posted at
I would never think I had the right to make that decision for her. If getting an abortion is what she wants, then it IS the responsible decision


Na • Oct 13, 2021
Also absolutely hate that people view unwanted pregnancy and parenthood as a punishment for having sex. That’s an awful way to view things


Na • Oct 13, 2021
Ffs it’s like just because she has good grades she can’t have sex 🙄 women are allowed to be sexual. It’s normal.


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it’s not my choice to make a decision for someone else’s life and body that will impact them for the rest of their life, yes that includes my children and potential grand children.


claire. • Oct 13, 2021
also fuck you for calling a child a consequence, if she doesn’t want to go through with the pregnancy you would be cruel and disgusting to force her to do so.


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Let her suffer the consequences???!!!??? That’s definitely messed up of you to think that would be a good way to handle this situation. That’s disgusting.


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I would let her make the decision. Remember when it comes to reproductive rights we cannot force our daughters to either keep their baby, have an abortion, or put up for adoption. All we can do is give advice and support.


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I would let my kid make that decision themselves. We would talk and make sure they understand all their options and make sure they are making an informed decision and not "the you cant get an abortion because you will go to hell" bs. I'm very pro choice and that means I wont force anyone to deal with an unwanted pregnancy.


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Calling a baby a consequence for having sex is more dehumanizing to the baby. "Congrats, you exist solely to punish your mother because she dared to be intimate!" Bet that's gonna make your possibly future grandchild feel really loved and wanted.


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I’d talk to her about her options. Abortion, going through with the pregnancy and raising the baby, me raising the baby. We’d make pro con lists. We’d research outcomes together. I’d let her know that it’s her choice, and that I wished she didn’t have to make such a difficult grown-up choice while she was still so young, but the “consequence” of her (presumably) not using protection is having to make a hard, grown-up choice. I’d hug her and hold her hand, and give her information, but I couldn’t make the choice for her.I’d also find a good therapist for her to help make sure she was doing okay, regardless of which option she chose. Because I want my child to have all the support a human needs and deserves when going through something hard. And because I think this is a moment where it’s super important that I show her a healthy way to handle a crisis. With measured thought, with slowness and consideration, leaning on your support system, taking care of your mental health so that you’re able to think straight, and putting the work into processing what happened so that it doesn’t fester and mess you up later.


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My mother fully supported and paid for my abortion when I was 18. It is terrible to think you should hold something like that away from her. If she wants an abortion, you should support her in that decision.


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No matter what SHE decides to do about the pregnancy, she WILL live with the consequences. It's not your choice to make, just how you respond to it and know that THIS will set a precedent for future interactions with your child


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You should let her have the ultimate decision, but make sure she is educated and well informed before she does so. Make sure she is educated on the consequences and processes of all her options- keeping the baby, putting the baby up for adoption, aborting the baby. Try to have her meet other women who had to make the same decision at her age- what was their outcome and would they have done differently if they could. A firsthand account can really help. Take her to consultations with adoption agencies and to the abortion clinic. Then give her space to make her decision and respect it, and continually show your love and support for her through it all.