Would you have a C-section if it saved you thousands?


The question sounds backwards, doesn’t it? 😅

I’m curious what other people would do in this situation or if there are other factors I’m not considering. Here is my situation:

My due date is 3/31. My insurance starts over on 4/1 - new deductible, new out of pocket maximum. Anything that happens after 4/1 is basically going to be all out of pocket again. I’m hoping to have a VBAC with this baby because I’m a good candidate (first baby was breech), I’d like to experience labor and a vaginal delivery, recovery could be better, and we’d like 1-2 more children. However, I obviously can’t guarantee when I’d go into labor and I might not deliver until after 4/1. I also don’t want to induce earlier since there’s a much lower chance of success with VBAC with induction. The alternative is that I could go with a scheduled C-section at 39 weeks and all of the bills would be this insurance year! Barring any complications of course. Therefore, a scheduled C-section has the potential to save me literally thousands of dollars.

What would you do?

Most of me thinks that if I could guarantee a successful VBAC (which of course can’t be guaranteed), then it could be worth the cost. But if the VBAC fails and I need another C-section later when I could have had a much cheaper scheduled one, I could be upset...

Don’t you love insurance?! 😂

Open to all thoughts! Thank you in advance!! 🙂