2 weeks Postpartum pain


So I’m 2 weeks postpartum, I used the tucks pads for a few days and then I switched to Frida mom healing foam and liners . I bought all that stuff and i didn’t think I needed it bc I only had a slight 1st degree tears. I used it bc I couldn’t return it without the boxes .

So I used the foam and I think I used it wrong . I placed it on the Frida mom liners , a few pumps. I realized the foam was getting inside where my clit was when I pulled up my depends . That happened for a few days and after while I realized it was burning my clit and making me itch. Now after a week my clit is sore asf and it hurts . I been having these sharp shooting pains In my clit area and in my lower stomach . I literally wake up in pain like someone is stabbing me down there . I was also having skin come off when I showered from an itchy spot of my butt. Idk if it’s the pads or what . I called the nurse and she said “it’s normal and my body is going through changes ”. I was honestly feeling fine , the only pain I was feeling was overall soreness when I opened my legs and when I walk.

Does anyone have this type of pain postpartum cause i keep hearing it’s normal and the ppl I asked said they never experienced that. I can’t find anything on here where anyone is describing the same pain.