Really want a VBAC.


Hey mama’s. I hope all is well! I have a question and maybe looking for some opinion’s or so. So okay I had a C-section with my first son, the reason’s 1. He pooped twice/2. His head was extremely big and the doctor that delivered my first born said “ There is no way he was coming out without tearing me from front to back (thank God that didn’t happen). And 3. I was in Labor for tooo long apparently & myself and my first born was exhausted. I had a transverse cut , everything was smooth for the most part , my water didn’t break on its own. & I had a fever for a day and then it broke. I’ve had zero complications & My first born is three year’s old. So i went to the doctor’s 2 weeks ago and my care provider at the time told me they had me under not a good candidate for a VBAC ?? Why would that be? I’ve been looking and researching and I can’t find anything of why I wouldn’t be able to? Can someone tell me why I wouldn’t or I’m i ? She said we would discuss it the next time I go in , I go in on the 18th and honestly if they aren’t going to let me or even try to schedule a c-section for a non medical emergency then I’m changing hospital and I know that’s going be so extra because I’m 35+1. But can someone help me understand? And should I change hospital’s if they don’t support me having a VBAC? Thank you 😊 !! . Also I’ll comment the chart I’ve been going off.