Successful sweep


Hi! Anyone had a successful membrane sweep? What was your experience like?

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I’ve had a membrane sweeps with both my kids and ever time it’s help kick start labour. Contractions were strong and mucus plug usually came a day or two later


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I’ve only had a sweep with this last pregnancy. My body moves very quickly. From 36-39 weeks I went from 2cm dilated to yeah you’re about a 3cm lol. Wednesday morning around 1030 I had an appointment and my doctor did like a half sweep. Woke up at 1:15 am Thursday with contractions getting closer together. Arrived at the hospital at 2 and delivered my baby boy at 3:07 Thursday morning


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With my second I had one and went into labor the next day. With this one I had one Wednesday and other than some sporadic contractions nothing has happened yet.


EJordan • Oct 15, 2021
That’s when I go back too! Which is the day before my due date. Not sure if they’ll do another or what.


Ni • Oct 15, 2021
Same it worked with my second child and also had mine on Wednesday morning and nothing so looks like I will be having another next Wednesday


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With my second kiddo I had a sweep at 39 weeks and cramped but nothing more and a second sweep at 40 weeks and my daughter was born 4 hours later. This pregnancy I had a sweep at 38 weeks and cramped but nothing else, planning another sweep for 39!


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Can you only get a sweep of you are dilated?


Andrea • Oct 15, 2021
Yes you need to be at least 1cm


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Last Thur at my Dr app I was 4-5 cm and the Dr did a sweep. Barely made it home long enough to eat dinner real quick and then went to the hospital with contractions. My baby was born about 2 and a half hrs of being in the hospital.


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I had a sweep on Monday. Wednesday evening my little arrived. I will say, I did have an unsuccessful sweep with my second pregnancy though. So I think it’s pretty hit and miss.


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Had my sweep Friday morning October 1st.. My water broke Sunday night at 11 pm went to hospital at 6am Monday.. They hooked me up to iv by 830.. My baby was born Monday morning


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Had the sweep at 3pm on a Wednesday. By 2:30 on Thursday started having consistent Braxton hicks, they went away when I went to bed, by 5 am on Friday I started having inconsistent painful contractions, then had my bloody show/lost mucus plug, contractions became consistent by 1:30pm and had my baby the next morning.


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My office doesn’t my do them but my sister had two with her first, got contractions but it didn’t induce labor so she deferred it with her second