Welcome Talia! My birth story ❤️

Rudi • 23. Married. Mother of 2 beautiful girls💖

Baby is finally here!!

(this is more like a diary entry for myself, hence why it's so long but if you feel like reading then you are more than welcome to 😊)

I honestly thought I'd never give birth on my own without an induction... I had given up on the idea that my body would take its own initiative and go into labour on its own.

I was 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant . I had an ultrasound scheduled in the next 3 days, after which I would see a midwife to arrange an induction if I hadn't given birth by then.

This was my second baby and after experiencing a long 17 hour labour with my first one (and other pushing and epidural complications) I was determined this time round would be different. I had a very hectic last trimester as I had to move interstate and put so much pressure on myself to do alot of lifting and labour work (even though I was only around 32 weeks and that is DEFINITELY NOT recommended).

At around 38 weeks I started researching methods that make labour easier. I started doing the miles circuit along with stretches recommended on the spinning babies website. I had been walking lots since around 36 weeks, and only continued to increase my walking habits as I progressed with the pregnancy.

By 39 weeks I was starting to get afraid, I hadnt yet had a stretch and sweep or ever had a hand up my vagina to check things with this pregnancy (as I moved interstate I was very behind with My antenatal appointments due to transferring hospitals). I started walking tons more (5 to 9 km a day) and had sex with my husband every day. I ate pineapples and dates. I consumed primrose oil and inserted it into my vagina as well. I was doing squats and lunges everyday but nothing was working. I didn't feel any pressure on my hips. I got occasional back pain, which was probably false labour, after everytime I had sex.

40 weeks arrived and I went to my midwives appointment. I was shocked to hear that they don't induce until mid 41 weeks preggo, I bulged my eyes out at the hospital and they hence offered to do my first stretch and sweep... Boy was I excited.

Unfortunately the midwife was barely able to reach my cervix as it was still so high up. I was 2 cm dilated and had a bishops score of 5. She was able to complete the stretch and sweep and said my waters were bulging.

I felt slight back contractions later on that day after going on a 3km walk. I then grabbed my husband and made sure to have sex just to get things going. I got more false labour and had my bloody show. I was excited... But unfortunately everything stopped and went away by 12am that day.

It was at that point that I became convinced that nothing would ever work. And for the first time in my pregnancy I felt very depressed and angry at myself for not being able to give birth. I got sluggish and very tired of trying so many things but somehow still did not give up. I knew that I would find the way that would help me to give birth. I had been reading about the midwives brew for a while now but I was avoiding it as I read many scary comments about the effects of castor oil.

But just remembering my last labour I was very determined not to make it as hard as it was last time or to do something that would perhaps make things easier for me as I was 10 cm dilated and pushing for 6 hours with my first child. So I sat down last night at 40+3 weeks and I read many forums about women and their experiences with the midwives brew. I also read some research articles and couldn't find anything that said castor oil could affect the baby's health negatively and the only side effects that I could see were possible cramping or extra bowel movements on the mother which I honestly did not mind if it would give me a quick labour. I really did not want to be induced and I did not want to have a C-section. I did have to have an induction with my last pregnancy... I went to labour on my own but my body could not finish it off by itself so I had to have some pitocin added. (not sure if that's still called an induction)

So after hours of reading I decided to try the brew I did put half the dosage of castor oil because i was still a bit afraid abs and I didn't want to take that much of a risk so I just used one tablespoon and I halved the entire recipe as I felt the shake was too large (I also substituted some ingredients).

So I made the shake at 9 p.m. and drank it.. I didn't feel anything right away besides having a normal bowel movements maybe 10 minutes after drinking it I then went to sleep and felt like nothing would happen however that was not the case.

I woke up at around 4 a.m. with some hip pain and some back pain so I used the toilet and I prayed for a little bit before then attempting to go back to sleep. I could not fall asleep as the pain was getting a lot worse and around 5:15 a.m. I started getting some back contractions and lower frontal abdomen contractions. I started timing the contractions until I realised they were around 2 minutes apart and lasting 32-42 seconds after which I called the hospital who recommended that if I'm having contractions every 2 minutes I should be heading there.

I tried my best to withstand contractions at home as I did not want to be sent back home after driving 30 minutes to the hospital. However I had to get their due to having contractions every 2 minutes.

I arrived at the hospital and had to be taken to the maternity ward by the wheelchair as I could no longer withstand the pain of the cramps. The midwives checked me and found out that I was already 10 centimetre dilated with my waters bulging. I panicked as I had really wanted the epidural but obviously could no longer get it however I had my waters broken by the midwives and started pushing only 15 minutes after arrival.

After 30 minutes of pushing and using the gas to help me out I was still not successful. The midwives had to take the gas away from me as I was using it too much and therefore losing my focus with pushing process. the doctor then came in checked me and recommended that we could use the vacuum to assist the birth to which I obviously agreed to (I had the vacuum last pregnancy as well and it was what helped me give birth in the end) . I also requested that he do an episiotomy if he feels that I could tear.. the doctor went ahead with it.

I did not feel the episiotomy at all I think it was done during one of my contractions. With the vacuum I pushed for two contractions and her head came out.. the doctor told me slow down a bit to avoid tearing and within the next contraction I pushed my baby fully out. I gave birth at 7:48 which was only an hour after arriving at the hospital.

I really do believe that the midwives brew was the reason that I had such a quick labour I do not recommend it to anyone as everyone should make this decision for themselves, my mom had tried a similar brew when she was pregnant with my brother and I know a few other family members who used castor oil to induce labour and were all successful without complications. It is a hard decision to make, and I beleive every woman should do her own research before attempting any methods of induction (especially castor oil) and to understand that there are many risks involved and to only do what she feels comfortable with. For me it definitely worked and I was very fortunate that my baby came out healthy. There was no meconium and no breathing or lung issues luckily and now I get to sit down and breast feed her and enjoy my time with my little girl.

I am honestly so proud of my body and I cannot believe that I had an unmedicated birth I am very surprised by the power of the female body I did not get to experience that with my last one as I had to epidural but with this one I was able to feel everything and I could really feel how strong us female are and I wish everyone else a short and safe delivery ❤️❤️