Post peek,

So yesterday I had a negative OPK test in the morning (11am), a positive test in the evening (6pm), and another positive test at midnight. I baby danced only at 10pm, 11pm. Also I baby danced 3 days ago when I had a negative opk then hubby wasn't in the mood the days leading up to peek.

This morning I took an opk test and it was negative. Also my husband decided his mind is not up for BD this morning.

Is this one time where we have baby danced enough to get me pregnant?

Since my opk was negative this morning and only positive yesterday between 6pm and 12am, is my ovulation over or am I ovulating the whole of today? I am hoping tonight my husband will be in the mood.

This month I didnt get ovulation cramps and without the opk, I would have not know when I ovulated, moreover it was 2 days late.