Too early or not pregnant?


So a short back story before anyone thinks I’m a rookie to pregnancy lol. I had my first baby back in 2014, me and my fiancé started TTC in 2016 for baby number 2 and miscarried Nov 2017 and got pregnant with our rainbow baby December 2017. We got pregnant and miscarried January 2021 and then we started trying again in July and got pregnant in August 2021 but we Miscarried again 💔…..I’m having some of the same symptoms that stuck out with my pregnancy in August and January (extreme fatigue, lots of bloating, thirst, and frequent bathroom trips) I also have excessive CM….now before anyone say “wawawa that’s not a pregnancy symptom” every time I’m not pregnant my CM dries up right after I ovulate and never comes back until next months O day lol. But it never went away…..I’m getting negatives on test I am 9 or 10 dpo with my period 4 days away….is it too early still? I’m losing hope now…..I know I shouldn’t want a baby right now because our wedding is next December but I can’t help not want one after 2 miscarriages this year 😭😭😭