Is he iust my friend now?


I got out of a 5 year relationship and right into a relationship with my now husband. I admit, we rushed and get engaged and married too quick. I wasnt in the best mental spot and was honestly just looking for someone to pay attention to me. Hes a city boy with money and im a country girl. We are honestly two different people and i thought the whole opposites attract thing. He goes through periods where hes mentally abusive and its really tough. Im the kind of person that will give everything to someone to make them happy. For 3 1/2 years we do what he wants, listens to what he says and now i realized im tired of it. Im happy when hes happy but overall i realized i could be happier. I want to go out camping, he wont even try, i want to fish i want to raise a family in the middle of nowhere, go on hikes and have someone that loves the outdoors like me. He doesnt. I confronted him 2 weeks ago about his attitude and always fighting with me and being so hurtful and said if he didnt change ill leave. It broke him, he cried and promised to do better, be less controlling and more trusting etc.. now our marriage is great, we havent fought, we think about our words before we say them and hes even letting me go camping with my family for a day (before hed blow up and tell me no i couldnt go). But its now become apparent to me that i want a different life. Hes 30 im 25. We just got a lovely house in june, have 4 cats and a dog. I still care about him but i dont know if im in love with him. I dont want to hurt him by leaving, it tore me apart seeing him break down when i told him things needed to change or id leave. Hes acting so scared to lose me and i feel horrible for feeling how i feel. I feel like a bad wife, a horrible person. Everything is so good now but im the one still thinking about leaving. I never wanted to be a person who got divorced but now im realizing that i want to be by myself, do things i want to do and be with someone just like me. Im young, i want a life that i love and im not sure if its with my husband anymore. How do i know that i really dont love him anymore? Has anyone else gone through this? If youve gotten divorced how did you know that it is what you want? Howd it turn out? Thank you