would you continue to coparent with your baby dad after this?

i’m pregnant with his third child and he left me for another woman while i was 3 months pregnant( now 8 months pregnant). i would coparent with him as much as it hurts to be left while pregnant with his baby and left to raise our other 2 children alone. so we had a disagreement and he texted me “keep playing watch i make my bitch beat your ass up” all because i asked him to get the kids one night while my friend (a guy) come over and fix us dinner! i was like wtf! so then his girlfriend text me and was telling me how i’m nothing but a coke head (did coke in my past and he told her smh) and that i need to go try and kill myself again (because that’s what i tried to do when he left me for her). he talks about me bad to his new girlfriend. he then text my mom and told her i’m nothing but a pussy selling coke head suicidal whore and that hurt my feelings bad! i’m so lost idk what to do anymore! he was physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive during our relationship so i’m not sure why i didn’t leave first anyway. i haven’t talked to him since that happened a month ago and he hasn’t reached out either, what should i do?