Husband leaving me

Well I’m 11 weeks pregnant with our second baby and my husband told me he doesn’t want to do this anymore. He said that husbands always get put last on the totem pole and with another baby he’s going to have to share even more attention. I honestly should have left him myself after our first because he was absolutely horrible to me. Told me that my body was ruined and I wasn’t attractive and that I give all of my attention to our son. He doesn’t help care for our child and barely pays him much attention. Still I stayed and blamed myself and tried so hard to make him happy, but even bending over backwards to try to please his needs was never enough. He said I’m not a “freak” enough for him in the bedroom and he can’t live his life this way. I just don’t understand if he felt that way, why did he stay with me for 10 years and have 2 kids. I’m just so broken and alone. Over the years I’ve lost all of my friends and am isolated from a lot of my family because he would get so jealous if I did anything without him and said my family and friends hated him. I moved across the country with him so he could chase his dreams. I completely gave myself up and gave everything to him. I let this man isolate me and now he’s discarding me like it’s nothing when I’m pregnant with our second child. All this to say, don’t end up like me. No amount of love is worth all of the red flags I ignored in my relationship, and now I’m here.