My body after 2 weeks of exercise


(Sorry if you've seen this post before! The first time I posted got taken down because I didn't TMI the pics, and I took down the second because I posted it on the wrong topic)

I had a high risk, bed rest pregnancy, a c-section, and an internal infection following the surgery.

My body has taken a serious beating but i'm going wedding dress shopping in a month and I decided i've made enough excuses. I tried exercising multiple times and failed but I realized something, I can't rely on motivation to succeed, I need to rely on dedication, which means working out even when it's the last thing I want to do. Everyone has 10 minutes a day, I was just being lazy😂

I started with only being able to do 2 squats before falling on my butt, now I can do around 15! These are small changes but they feel HUGE to me. To the woman reading this who needs an extra boost, YOU CAN DO THIS MAMA. Consistency is key, I will post my month long results in a couple weeks🥰

If anyone wants the video I use, here's a screenshot, I know links don't work on here: