Daughter keeps saying "baby sister".


On the 10th of August I had a D&C. It was my 4th missed miscarriage and 4th D&C. I had 3 before my daughter. And a few chemical pregnancies. I had my daughter in 2018. I found out I was pregnant again this past June and ended up in another missed miscarriage.

I have not had a period in 11 weeks (since my D&C in August). I am also going through the start of testing to figure out why I miscarry so easy.

My 3 year old daughter has recently been saying "baby sister" a lot as of late. And no, I am not pregnant. But it had been breaking my heart that she is asking when I currently cannot give her what she wants. We planned our last pregnancy and want to try again once we get the tests back if it is possible..

I can not explain that to her. She's too young to understand. I am anxiously waiting for the lab results. Which I have more of to come. If they find nothing I am being referred to a specialist.

I just needed to vent. I'm feeling very put off as of late. Just emotionally drained.