Halloween baby!!!

Alyssa • Mommy of my beautiful Toni René & William James

It all started when I got sick of being pregnant and not being able to sleep comfortably anymore, along with all of my other pregnancy symptoms. Since I was 39w 3d I decided that it was time to try to get things moving. After watching all of the YouTube videos out there about the midwives brew, I figured I’d try it myself. At 9:30am I chugged the concoction like there was no tomorrow and wanted to spend as much time as possible being up and walking, so fiancé and I went to the mall and walked around until 10:30. After that we decided to run around the park with our 2 year old for a little over an hour. By then I started getting hungry and uncomfortable so we agreed that I’d stay home with our 2 year old while he ran out and grabbed us some grub. By the time 2pm hit, my love was at work and I was starting to get painful contractions. I decided to call up my bestie to help take my mind off things and before I knew it an hour had passed. As I stood up to go to the bathroom for the fifth time since I got home, my water broke and my mucus plug was smeared all over my underwear. From there the contractions only got worse and I decided to let fiancé and family know that it was time. 4pm hit and everyone was at the house enjoying our time together before going to the hospital an hour later. Once we got to the hospital, they confirmed that my water broke and I was getting admitted. I couldn’t help feeling nothing but excitement. After an epidural, Pitocin, and 11.5 hours of labor, I finally gave birth to my perfect little Halloween miracle 💕