My BF is trying to make me choose


So I need opinions… I’ve been with my boyfriend for a little over 5 months now and he has known that I have a male bestfriend. Recently for the first time he heard me tell my best friend “okay love you too”!

Background on my bestfriend (and my BF) knows this too, I have been friends with my bestfriend since 1st grade, grew up together, holidays/birthdays ect, he’s the god parent of my children, I don’t see him much now because he’s in the Military and I moved to an entire different state, we catch up when we can because we both have livessss and most importantly my bestfriend has NEVERRRR made a pass at me, never made me feel like he liked me, always have treated me like family.

Now fast forward to now, my BF is like nah I don’t want my person confiding in or telling another man she loves them, I don’t feel

Comfortable with you all even talking or catching up with each other… so I guess no male friends.

What are y’all thoughts? I’m personally not okay with this, it feels a little controlling and as much as I love my boyfriend, I’m not going to choose him over my family because that’s what I consider my bestfriend. I’m a little rusty on the girl friend thing so let me know your thoughts.