Mucus plug / Bloody show?

I went to the bathroom earlier to check myself because something was telling me to go wipe. When I did I got a huge glob of mucus with some brownish/dark red around it. I didn’t take a photo of it because I didn’t think much of it. Later when I went to use the restroom I wipe & got this .. Could it be my bloody show or just part of my mucus plug ? I’m a FTM so this is all new to me

I also would like to mention I went in for an elective induction on Saturday. They told me on Sunday after about 24 hours of being there (around 5pm) that I wasn’t progressing and was still at 1cm & 50% effaced. So i decided to go home. They used cervidil & cytotec so I don’t know if the dark discharge could be blood from them sticking their fingers in my cervix but at the same time I feel like I would’ve already passed the blood when using the bathroom the first time after leaving on Sunday rather than passing it tonight on Monday. Any advice or knowledge is greatly appreciated🤍