am I the only single mama that feels this way?

I have 2 kids and have been single for 2 and a

Bit years. I love being on my own, doing my own thing but I do get lonely at times. I honestly don’t know how I’m able to move on as a single mum, or find love, settle down. I don’t expect another man to be a dad or help provide for my kids, their dads absent so it’s all my job. But I find it hard to even imagine being In a relationship with a man who’s not supposed to provide or be responsible for them. All my life I’ve pictured having my family together, I don’t know how to even try and date someone who isn’t their dad (no lingering feelings for him, I 100% dislike that boy). Am I the only one who feels like this? I don’t even know how to explain it properly but I feel it so strongly.