I flipped off the anesthesiologist 🤦🏼‍♀️😳


Today I came in to be induced for the first time, having gone into labor naturally with my first two sons. I was super nervous. I was lucky though, to have a friend that just started working in labor and delivery at this hospital recently, who came by and calmed my nerves some.

I’m so lucky that the epidural ended up being the worst of what happened today, but it was so bad!!! This is the fourth epidural I have ever received, one of them having been only a couple of weeks ago for a surgery I had to have. I was not that nervous for the epidural since I’d never had one that was actually very painful. They had me sit with my feet and legs straight out in front of me on the bed in a painful position, instead of hanging over the bed, which was already odd, and then when he stuck me it was such horrible severe pain all over my body all I could do was yell and shake. When I finally got the words out “WHAT IS HAPPENING WHY DOES IT HURT SO BAD!!!” With tears streaming down my face, the anesthesiologist responded, “You’re receiving an epidural.” To which I said 😫😭🖕🏼

Maybe he didn’t mean to be a horrible asshole, but in that moment I felt like he was having a bad morning and took it out on me. That was just the feeling I got from the time he stepped into the room.

An hour later, when my contractions got really intense and I could feel everything, my nurse asked me about it, and I said yes I feel everything, but I’d rather deliver naturally than that man touch me again. Luckily there was no need for that, and it was just a matter of adjusting my meds!

After that, there were really no complications and the birth went so so well. I only had to push about 4 or 5 times before he was out. Minimal tearing, no stitches, no complications from my recent hemorrhoidectomy or other hemorrhoids 🙌🏼

My baby boy is beautiful and healthy, and I feel so blessed beyond what I deserve. He weighs 7 lbs and 15 oz, measures 20.5 inches, and has a totally unexpected head of thick gorgeous dark hair, that none of our other three boys had, and we aren’t exactly sure who he gets it from 😂💙

Welcome to the world Duncan Tyler I love you so so much already.