How are y’all?


Just a quick check in. How is everyone and our August babies who are growing waaaaay too fast?

Roman had his 15 month shots today and his dad took him alone for the first time. It broke his heart and seeing a grown man cry while telling me about it just about melted my heart. He seems to be okay so far. I’m considering getting his flu shot but hesitant as I get sick when I get mine every year and his sister already has me with my hands full.

His baby sister, Aaliyah, was born 10/30 at 2:32pm after 8.5 hours of a hell labor and delivery. She was 6lbs 13oz and 18.5 inches long. The kiddos are almost exactly 15 months apart and he seems to not really care much about having a sister 😂 He likes to grab her feet and stare and that’s about it.

Roman got in his Little Tikes car yesterday and told me “Let’s go daddy’s” and it left me SHOOK. Coparenting is going very well and they’re finally getting along better. His dad is staying with us during his week long paternity leave and had only went to go get McDonald’s 😂

Other than that, I think we’re all good over here. My mom is throughly enjoying the kids and steals them quite often…

Mandatory pics of the 3 of us cause I love these kiddos so dang much