Updated - BBT fluctuation on same take



Today, I’m on cycle day 22. Yesterday, my temp was 36,62 C. This morning, My husband gave me thermometer (I barely opened my eyes) and it indicated 36,33C. It seemed weird to have such a temp drop at that time in my cycle (usually 30 days long). So I retook it immediately : it was then 36,98C. Such a gap confused me so I retook it again : 36,93C. All that took less than 2 minutes…

First my chart without todays temps :

My chart with this mornings first temp :

And with second temp :

So which one is good? (We changed time during the night, but I woke upe around the same time). I haven’t stood up, been to the bathroom, taken a glass of water. This cycle, I had chaotic BBT at some occasions that I can’t explain either (but I had a positive OPK and BBT rise that confirme that I ovulated.

What do you think?

Update : I got a positive pregnancy test on CD27.