Does anyone have babies born less than one year apart? (Please read.)


I have three children, with 22 months between the older two, and roughly 21 months between the younger two. My last child was born July 27th, my easiest pregnancy but biggest baby (8lbs 6oz) so far. I had over two months of continuous postpartum bleeding, which did not happen the first two times. So my doctor was wanting to discuss the benefits of putting me on hormonal birth control in order to stop it, but three days prior to that appointment, the bleeding abruptly quit. I began waiting for my first period to show up— it never did. I don’t know what prompted me to do it, but I took a pregnancy test and there was a very faint line. Tested again each day for four days and the line grew continually darker. (For those interested, I stopped breastfeeding/pumping around six weeks. With the constant bleeding, recovery, and two toddlers, it was exhausting me.) I slightly panicked at first when I saw that positive test, but I’m oddly excited to be pregnant again. My concern is that this pregnancy will be much more difficult with so little recovery time, or that perhaps something could be wrong with the baby. My first prenatal appointment is tomorrow, and if you’re already 3-4 weeks along by the time you get that first positive, then my prospective due date would be July 4th. For all you Mamas that have given birth to babies within one year of each other, or conceived babies very close together, how did the pregnancies differ? What were your fears/challenges? Any and all details/advice would be so helpful! (P.S. I apologize if this was posted in the wrong section. They don’t exactly have a “pregnant within 3 months of giving birth” topic. 😂)

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