Here’s my story….can you relate?

Kera 🌻


After the birth of my daughter (at 18 years old) I decided to get on birth control because so many people were telling me to. I didn’t give it any research really, I just listened to everyone. Huge HUGE mistake!

So I was on the Implanon for 3 years (inserted 2013) after that they upgraded to the Nexplanon and I had that for about 1 year then had it removed. Because I didn’t feel right having it anymore after doing research. The whole time I had both the Implanon and Nexplanon, I didn’t have periods. AT ALL!! No spotting, nothing. 2017, I decided that it couldn’t be healthy for my body to not have a period and I knew eventually I’d want more children so I got it taken out.

My body never went back to normal. I struggle to even have periods now cus I don’t ovulate. I’ve been to my OB so much it’s unreal. They can’t tell me why I don’t have periods - they blame my weight. They tell me the birth control would not have effected my body like that (which I know is a not true). So after fighting with them for about a year. I went to get a second opinion and seen a different doctor who told me I might have PCOS (again I blame the birth control) she prescribed me Metformin. I take it thinking it’ll solve my problems. Well the only thing that did was give me severe diarrhea. So I stoped taking it.

Again, I wanted a second opinion. In 2019, I went to another OB, who was confused why the last doctor told me I have PCOS and prescribed me Metformin. She felt it was unnecessary and scheduled an ultrasound. Everything came back normal. She said, I don’t have PCOS. But suggested I take the pill to regulate my periods. I was hesitant considering all these problems were because of birth control in the first place so I declined. Instead she prescribed me medroxyprogestrone to initiate a period. She said that would help regulate me, or it should anyways. It gave me a period, however, after that one period I didn’t have anymore again.

Now it’s year 2020. Keep in mind it’s hard to get into the OB if you’re not pregnant cus of COVID and also just being able to take off work was a pain. But after waiting months, I get another ultrasound, this time my endometrial lining is slightly thickened but she feels it’s nothing to worry about. (Weird!!). Everything else is normal. Still no period. She tells me to take the medroxyprogestrone again and to follow up if I don’t have a period. She says it’s okay to have one every 3 months, it doesn’t have to be every month. She suggest I lose weight. That’s all. The problem is I work from home and it’s a sit down job, so it’s kind of difficult to lose a lot of weight. And I know this can’t be the only solution.

Fast forward, here it is 2021 and my periods are still absent. I decided to go ahead and take the birth control pill, Cryselle. Funny thing is (silly me) I cold turkey stopped sodas at the same time of starting the pill. Bet you guessed it! I thought the pill was causing me to be extremely fatigued and irritable (when I’m reality, it was my body reacting to no caffeine). So I stopped the pills after a week and a half. I plan on starting it back up to see how it does for me. But I’m also seeing a new OB in December. Just don’t feel comfortable at the one I was seeing anymore for several reasons.

In between having the few periods that I did have from taking the Medroxyprogestrone, I was TTC. And each time had symptoms. I even had vvfl show up. It’s been a total of 3 years trying now!

I am starting to feel like it just won’t happen for me. Maybe I’m only meant to have one child and that’s why God gave her to me at such a young age. I’m forever grateful but I would like to have just one more! Especially now that I’m older and more stable and in a loving relationship. I raised my daughter alone for years! My fiancé and I want a child together and it breaks my heart to see how excited he gets every time he thinks I could be pregnant and it just never happens.

Anyways, that’s my story. Can anyone relate? Do you feel the pill will help?? I’m waiting to see what this new OB will say before starting the pills back up. Cus she might have to prescribe me medroxyprogestrone first before starting again.

P.s for a second there, I thought I could have gotten pregnant just by taking the pill for that short period of time. We got our hopes up again after seeing a faint line. But I researched, it takes at least 3 months for the pill to be effective in regulating periods.