How do I wean this child??


Hi ladies,

My daughter is 17 months and I'm ready to wean, but I'm really struggling with it. She's a terrible sleeper and we usually bed share half the night, so she pretty much has boob access when she wants it. I don't nurse her during the day except for at nap time. I know these are bad habits, that's why I need advice!

Any tips on weaning? I'm a SAHM and my husband works so I get up with our daughter at night. When nursed, she goes back to sleep in about 10 minutes. When she's not, it takes about 1.5-2 hours, sometimes longer. She gets hysterical. She wakes up anywhere from 1-10 times a night, so you can imagine how easy it is to just nurse her back to sleep. The pediatrician suggested my husband do bedtime/night wakings but he's not willing to because of his job. I don't want to just stop because I'm trying to avoid mastitis.

Help! Any ideas?