Just venting


So my significant other and I are trying for a baby...I am 33 and this will be my first his second..we haven't told anyone we are trying because I don't want to be asked over and over what's going on blah blah blah...so I was at my cousins house Who I am very close with and her and her sister were asking when I was going to have a baby my answer was I am not sure if I can since it hasn't happened yet and I've been off birth control for 2 years..well my one cousin says it will happen when I tried I put my legs up in the air every time we did it try that my other cousin who I am very close with proceeds to say well I didn't have any issues it happened right away..I felt like that was very inconsiderate and it made me feel a certain way because she is always trying to "one up" me idk if she is jealous or what...do I have the right to feel a certain way about this?