Afraid daughter is mentally ill

I think my 11y/o daughter is a sociopath / psychopath.

Well….I don’t know how to start off so let me jump right in. She is different, antisocial, doesn’t hold friends for long periods of time. She has been seen by therapists and some think she has ocd and possibly bipolar disorder(too young to diagnose just yet).

She doesn’t/ has never hit us, bit us, or did anything physical but she has done some odd things.

She dug up our dead cat….on purpose. She said she was curious. She told me she had a dream about killing her friend by stabbing her In the heart with a needle. She poured water down her friends snorkel in the pool.

She’s obsessed with pregnancy, she has a Nook (digital reading device) and she bought a book about child birth. She even stuffs her stomach and tells everyone in the house she’s pregnant. If someone tells her she isn’t….she cries.

She’s been through a lot of trauma, emotional and sexual trauma. Has bounced around houses her whole life.

I worry for her.