4 days late, negative tests, HELP!


Hi there!

My last period was from 10/16-10/18, this app said I ovulated on 10/30 and we did the deed on 10/31.

According to this app, this cycle is 31 days but my normal is 31 days. It also mentions 17 day literal phase.

I have had abdominal cramping x3 days, and usually the day or two leading to my regular period I have brownish discharge that alerts me I’m getting ready to start which never happened.

Also, now I’m nauseous, like I drank my coffee yesterday morning and almost threw up after- I was also super nauseous this morning when I woke up and got moving too which is unusual for me. Those have been the only signs though. I have taken three negative tests (one could be a positive but unsure if it’s an evaporation line)

What do I do? When do I test? Shouldn’t it show positive by now?
