
All my relationships have been toxic/abusive how I keep getting into them idk I’m stupid (or was). But let me tell you the man I’m with now is so amazing and Ik I will marry him someday. The amount of times I’ve cried because of this man (good tears). I never knew I could find a guy like him out there. He is everything I wanted and prayed for. This man is literally a dream come true. I haven’t been able to shower in the past couple days and I feel disgusting and I was telling him and he told me he’s not disgusted by it and I started crying because the realization of how good of a man I have, how bad my ex’s actually treated me, pure happiness that I don’t have to feel ashamed around him and can tell him anything. This man doesn’t know how much that little stuff means to me. Idk I had to say it somewhere. I’m so in love with him and I’m so unbelievably blessed to have him in my life.