bleeding at 12w6d...


hi! i'm 12w6d today and had some bleeding when i wiped. i called my OB this morning but she didn't seem concerned and said it could be implantation late. i went and had a private scan today. baby girl was moving all over with a heartbeat of 160. still full of symptoms, however i've had two prior miscarriages that ended at 8 weeks. baby measures 13w. i haven't had cramps, but i do feel soreness on the right side where babygirl is. i assume she's making room cause she's a mover in there.

has anyone had any bleeding and still had a healthy pregnancy? i will attach the two photos i took from first bleeding incident. only happened 2 times today when wiping. now blood is brown. thank you in advance!

Update: today is Tuesday the 16, this is from today. Still no cramping at all, doctor isn't concerned unless it's heavy red bleeding. 13 weeks today, and i can still hear baby's heartbeat using doppler. 160bpm.