Guy doesn’t seem jealous?

So I know I’m going to sound a little crazy and I never make posts like this because I’m never like this, but I really like him.

I started talking to this guy from another country about 1 and half years ago. He’s great! We talk every single day, watch stuff together, call each other, take pictures of the places we go so we can share with each other, and we try new kinds of food and things that each of us likes. We tell each other how we wish we were with each other and he can get very sweet. In this situation, I feel it’s hard not to catch feelings, even with the distance. He said he’d take me on a date if I were ever in his country, and I know he likes me, but it kinda stops at that.

Well he doesn’t seem bothered by me dancing with other guys? I didn’t because I’m not interested in that, but I’m going to a club later this month and he said “if you’re too shy to dance with guys you can always dance with your friends”. I hadn’t brought up anything about guys, just his reply to me going to the club, and I said I didn’t want to dance with random dudes. He said they didn’t have to be random and maybe I’d just meet someone I like.

Ugh, I know this sounds so stupid and I know I’m reading too much into it, but does that mean he doesn’t really have feelings for me? That he doesn’t care if I start talking to other guys or something? Or is he just being realistic and not wanting to keep me from seeing someone because of him?

I’d ask, but I like what we have and I don’t want to make it weird.

Edit Aeryn: yeah, that sounds about right. Ugh 😣

Edit 2: I’m not upset about it and I appreciate that he’s not being toxic and jealous when I’m not his, but at the same rime, I’m wondering if the lack of jealously means something.