Porn + boyfriend

So I know that my boyfriend watches anime porn or whatever and I don’t know how to feel about it. I mean everyone watches their own thing, but I personally find it a bit weird. I saw last week more of the stuff he looks at, and to me personally, I find it really weird. He’s been looking at this anime porn site with all these drawings but they some include like animals and stuff sorry for the TMI but I think it would be better if I explain. (A massive D*** from a dog going into a anime cartoon) idk if that makes sense but I’m sure you get what I mean.. weird. & I could never bring it up to him because rip to my soul.

But I don’t know why he looks at these things to get off to. And I have noticed that he seems to really be into asians. (Not trying to be racist) like he looks at Asian porn, loves ahegao, anime porn. I just don’t understand like what is it with asians and him. Like I’m white, blue eyes and blonde hair. I have no Asian features.. it makes me feel like shit because that’s all he watches basically. It just really brings me and my self esteem/confidence down and idk what to say to him or what to do about it.