Ovulation? Help??? Confused.


Before my husband and I lost our first baby and my first pregnancy ever, my cycles averaged between 52-60 days. However, after losing our baby and my hormones regulated and my cycles "regulated" I've had a 50 day cycle and a 54 day cycle, so thats great. And I never knew if I ovulated.. I started testing with OPKs and temping to get more accurate readings of my body, but I was being ridiculed and being told that none of my numbers or tests were accurate since I had PCOS. So, I gave up on temping and OPKs a long time ago. Yeah, they were pretty wonky, and still kinda are. Anyway, I don't think I ovulate often. But when I do I swear I literally feel it. Every time. I get this really sharp pain from either my left or right side and it usually lasts just a few seconds. Last night, CD 41 (which if I ovulate this month I would've ovulated last week or this week sometime with my cycles being 50+ days), I was laying down to go to sleep and I got this really sharp pain on my right side. And it came in waves, then stopped completely after about 10-15 mins... has anything similar ever happened to anyone else? Was it ovulation maybe? My uterine lining savagely starting to shed? Or was it possibly rainbow baby implanting?

What do you think?