Confused and need advice please ❤️

Bec 👼👼finally our 🌈

I was meant to start my period 2 days ago and my usual period I start spotting for a few hours then get really heavy dark blood with cramping.

I think I had 2 surges this fertile period but I didn’t capture if I peaked the second time because it was CD16 when it started rising again… I didn’t think anything of it.

I have had this spotting for 2 days now and only there when I wipe, with no cramping no nothing and now it’s stopped… i know it’s probably too late for implantation - but if I did ovulate on my second surge I would be 12DPO today.

Has this happened to anyone and got their BFP.. I’m just a little confused with my body right now and wanted some advice or similar experiences ❤️ it most probably just my body playing with me and just a weird period I know, but just asking.