Think doc is wrong


So I went to the doctor and my hCG was 99083 well I was having a little bit of spotting so she had me go get my hCG test again I’m 10 weeks three days it dropped to 75 something she called me and told me I’m having a miscarriage and that we need to do one more hCG levels and if it’s dropped again then we’re gonna talk about the DNC I told her I would like to have an Ultrasound done to see if the baby is stop developing and if there’s a heartbeat she said she don’t feel comfortable doing that that the blood test will tell us more well I looked up online they say not to test your hCG After 8 to 10 weeks because of the placenta takes over and the sac is no longer there your hCG will drop well she still didn’t feel comfortable doing this so I took it upon myself yesterday to go and get an ultrasound done of my baby to see how the baby is and if I am going to lose it baby was moving like crazy heartbeat was 180 grow in 10 weeks five days I don’t believe I’m having a miscarriage I also have a subchronic hematoma and they told me I will spot and that’s just a hematoma trying to come out well she wants me to get a blood test done today and if it’s dropped then we’re gonna talk about a DNC what your opinion on this I’m thinking about getting a second opinion I’m not losing my baby. Update #3. Hcg dropped by almost 700 even tho that don’t really matter. So doc wanted a ultrasound finally stat well we went in baby is fine has heart beat of 172 growing but my bleed I have is almost gone now so that’s y I was spotting