38 w 5 days


I feel like I’m going to be pregnant forever. With my first born I had him around 38 weeks exactly. I’m 1 to 2 cm dilated but My cervix is still hard. How long does it take for a cervix to soften? I’ve googled and gotten so many different answers I go back into the doctor on Monday again but I’m just curious. I think I’ve got anxiety stemming from the fact that I had cholestasis with my first and so far I’ve not had any diagnosable numbers so the specialist told me she doesn’t need to see me anymore but I’m worried if I go past 40 weeks and cholestasis goes undiagnosed what Could happen to baby. At this point I’m just trying to enjoy my last days with my 2 year old son as an only child but it’s hard when I have constant anxiety and just want this little babe out and safe.