Vent / Need advice.


Since my husband and I had gotten pregnant, we’ve experienced a lot of change in a short amount of time. We got our first house, I’m home from work (still getting paid due to Covid) as he is still working, and on top of it all we’re trying to settle and prepare for our first child. The whole process has been so exciting but beyond stressful..

I have been so all over emotion wise which really takes its tole on me and I’m sure my husband as well.. I feel like as much as he is there for me, there’s some things that have been really bothering me like lack of time being spent together. I honestly have been feeling lonely. I don’t have any close friends so Maby me being home for 8hours while he works has just been taking its tole on me and I’m being too much or over thinking?

He comes home and he watches football or plays on his phone and reads articles or does whatever. (I also understand he deserves his own time to unwind and relax after work.. ) I would just like to spend more time together besides him coming home doing that. It just seems like the only time spent together is sitting in the same room for an hour or so before we go to bed.. when I said I want more time together I mean I genuinely want his attention and love. I want conversation. I want the goofy/fun nights. I want to be held.. I tried talking to him and he says “oh honey it’s okay stop your crying” (but to me it seems kind of in a joking tone which makes me feel like he isn’t taking me serious.) He’s been doing that a lot of late. Like it makes me feel like he just brushes my feelings off as it just being a “part of pregnancy” and I’ll get over it? I don’t know if that makes sense.. He’s genuinely a wonderful husband but of late the little things genuinely upsetting me have been seeming to pile up and all I do is cry. And the more I cry and become irritable the more he seems less patient with me. I feel bad but I can’t help it.. Maby it is just my hormones? But if so how do I get them in check..?

Has anyone else gone through this during pregnancy?

Being our first especially after a loss, I thought this would be so enjoyable and honestly I’ve been struggling. I worry constantly about what may seems to be littlest of things (I’m sure that annoys him because it bothers me myself at times..) but I just can’t seem to turn my brain off. Maby it’s the stress? I don’t even know.

Any advice would be appreciated.. thanks in advanced.