Advice needed. Pregnant or not?


My fiance and I are currently trying to conceive, but he's convinced I'm already pregnant.

My last menstrual cycle was September 23rd and was over by the 26/27th. In the first few days of October I had a little spotting then nothing and have yet to have a period since then. I just brushed off the no period in October as me being irregular, so I didn't bother with any pregnancy tests. However as November came around I started having all these weird symptoms that have just increased since then. It started out as little heart palpitations and extreme fatigue. This month I've been so nauseous almost constantly. I've been constipated, very emotional, still have the heart palpitations, heartburn (which I've never had before), and my nipples are so sore and sensitive that even wearing a bra is starting to bother me.

I have taken multiple pregnancy tests and each one is always negative. I have no idea what could be going or if I'm just getting false negatives. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled next week to find out what's going on. Any input on what you ladies think could be going on? Am I actually pregnant and just getting false negatives?