We decided…


As upsetting as it is. We have came to a conclusion that we will hold off on trying for a baby. As much as we both wanted this.. money is tight and not many places down here will not work with my sons schedule. Almost every place has turned me down, but I will not lose hope. Once we get our money situation settled then we will start the fertility treatments.

A little back story: we originally planned on getting <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> but my s/o doesn’t make that much. State of SC rarely pays more than $9 an hour. I’ve met a few jobs that pay more but the travel distance is the main problem. I did create a go fund me but I got some back lash on it. So I deleted that. We were supposed to move but then our landlord said we could stay, but he’s going to charge us an additional $150 a month. 🙄 so with that being said, we decided to wait. And during this wait time we will bring saving little by little to pay for this treatment and to hopefully.. get a larger home.

As this decision is tough on me because I have high amount of baby fever and my son was so excited to know that he would become a big brother. We’ll get through this, hopefully within the next near coming, we will get a blessing. Until then I wish nothing but the best for everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Xoxo, Jess