Okay. I’m confused.


On Monday I took a test. No idea my dpo. But my husband and I did the deed on the 6th and 9th. I took a test bc I’ve had a backache. We aren’t ttc but we aren’t preventing either. Got the whole, if it happens it happens mindset.

I got this result.

My friend said it’s definitely there. So I decided to wait and take another yesterday morning. Got this:

Yup. Definitely there. But not much darker? Even though my friend said yes it’s darker. SO I said, I’ll test this morning. Got this:

Started to think it was my eyes. I took a blue dye and first response tonight. Got this:

Am I crazy? Shouldn’t the FRER be darker by now?

And the blue dye? Can I trust that?

This makes zero sense to me. I also wiped and got a MASSIVE amount of egg white ish cm. I’m not ovulating?