Never moving out

My mother loves to share her unsolicited opinions on just about everything, including my love life. I have been staying over at my fiancé‘s house recently (I’m back home now) because we just wanted to spend more time together. We are currently trying to save to get our own place. As of right now, it’s really not possible for us to move out. I started a new job and I still have to get used to the pay schedule and become a permanent employee because as of right now I’m a substitute (work in a school). Anyway, his mother isn’t working because she refuses to take the COVID vaccine. She says that she’s looking for other agencies that are hiring, that don’t require the vaccine, but pretty much everywhere requires it, especially with her job position being in other peoples homes. So because she isn’t working, my fiancé and his father are splitting their rent. His father would not be able to pay the rent on his own. He works from 4am-2pm at Home Depot. His job is now requiring him to get the vaccine as well which he didn’t want to do but now he doesn’t have much of a choice because they can’t both be out of work. My mother was saying that at this point I should just move into his parents house (sarcastically) and that I’ll be there all my life waiting because his mother is never gonna go back to work. Now I am worrying a little bit as to when will they be able to take back control of the rent so that we can continue saving to move out on our own. Anyone have a similar experience?

- forgot to mention that his mother moved in her friend that needed somewhere to stay with her newborn. My fiancé also had his friend living there at one point for several months and neither one of them were expected to help out in any way (and they didn’t/haven’t). I’m mentioning this because I think that they can just find roommates to help with the rent since they obviously don’t mind other people in their house. Once the moms friend leaves, which she is currently planning too, a room will be available and I’m hoping they find a roommate to take over that room and then they can also rent my fiancé’s room once we leave.