Who stayed?


After your husband cheated who was able to forgive and stay? Not being rude but I’m only asking for those who stayed because I’m willing to try. I’m kind of struggling because emotionally I’ve checked out but to be honest I’m workin on trying to get that back because he’s working extremely hard to keep me but I just don’t know where we stand. It’s still fresh like I just found out 2 months ago. So everyone keeps sayin it takes time. Ok I get that. But what else did you ladies do to help you get through it because I know you never get over it. I think the hardest part for me is that he was telling the girl he loved her and everything and it was going on for 2 years or more…. I’ll never really know exactly how long… but phone records proved the 2 years though…. Any tips or advice ladies would be greatly appreciated…..

Thanks in advance🥺🤞🏽