Opinions? Sorry long post.


In the past I've had 4 miscarriages and now pregnant again 5w1d. Im terrified it ending another miscarriage, I've had 2 recently, 1 in July and 1 November, and all I keep thinking it's what I'm gunna hear again😒

Now I've seen some of you ladies being put on progesterone, cause of low levels. My doctor will not do any bloods to check my levels and I was wondering how to go about approaching of maybe getting put on it to lower my chances? I'm stoll very early but both of my missed miscarriage last year had to be medical as my body was recognising it, and it's so heartbreaking to go threw everytime💔

I do have my hopes up this time, as I've had no bad signs, but not many symptoms of pregnancy only sore boobs and feeling alot more tired, needing a wee every 10mins😂other than that not much, but I I have a worry as I'm getting shoulder pain and heard it can be due to ectopic pregnancy. It's sort of feels like a knotted shoulder blade! So hoping it's nothing!

Sorry for the long post, just very worried🥺