Help- worried I won’t dilate on my own

Holly • Girl mom 🎀

I found out that my baby girl is already at a whopping +2 station 😯 she is so far descended into my pelvis. I’m also about 70-80% effaced. But I’m not dilated at ALL - only about 1 cm and I’ve been stuck here for a while. I’m experiencing prodromal contractions they said, which aren’t doing much to dilate me. They could measure them 3-4 mins apart. They keep telling me to be prepared for a fast labor because of how low she is but I’m not sure how to make my body dilate if she’s so low and I’m not doing it on my own already. They seem to be shocked I’m still pregnant because she’s so low every time they check me. The pressure should be causing more dilation…

Induction is starting to be thrown around for in the future due to a growing concern I won’t dilate myself without help. I really don’t want to be induced.. but they’re worried about a stalled labor leading to a c section because like I said she’s so far descended… it would be a rough recovery so I’m not sure what to do. They said they’ll decide on Friday if I haven’t gone into labor by myself by then (which would be a big red flag).

Im doing all the walks, curb walking, and ball bouncing I can handle with my SPD, sex is extremely painful because my man hits her head/ my cervix due to how low she is but we have tried a couple times. Any other tips out there? I won’t do anything unsafe. Cried a lot yesterday because I’m so uncomfortable with her position and the weak contractions are exhausting.