Is this good? Or bad?

Beth • 💙 4/2/2022 💕💕 baby number 2 EDD Aug 2024

Okay so at 27weeks 2days our baby weighed by u/s 2pounds 6ounces. The tech says he’s ahead based on weight he’s 29weeks about. But at every growth scan he’s been measuring exact to the day almost. Think one time he was one day ahead. I see my doctor next Friday 1/14/22. And my fundal heigh at last appointment on 12/27/2021 (25w5d) was measuring 26weeks. Should I be worried. I have my last gestational diabetes test on 1/14/2022. I passed my first one not even pre diabetes level. Which was surprising because diabetes runs in the family majorly. Any advice would be helpful. Is there questions specifically I could ask my doctor this Friday. Any help appreciated.