Already feeling mom and wife guilt

I’m 20 weeks pregnant, my pregnancy has been going well but due to a long fertility journey that my family and my in laws aren’t really aware of I’m still nervous regarding this pregnancy.

We decided to stay home for the holidays, which sparked my in laws to take it upon themselves to visit (we live across country).

Their hotel plans were messed up last minute so they decided to all stay with us. This is 4 people visiting and trying to fit in my one bedroom one bathroom apartment.

I immediately was not okay with this, as I also work from home and I’m just not really into gatherings with everything going on. My husband tried to figure out alternative solutions but everything basically fell through and we ended up setting up air mattessses for the 5 day visit.

2 days into their visit I tested positive for Covid, I’m vaxxed and so are they, nobody had any symptoms. But I’ve basically been in bed the last few days.

But I’m shocked by a lot. I thought my mother in law and I had a good relationship. But the entire time that she has been here she’s constantly nit picking. And like trying to follow me around straightening up “her way” and commenting on how I do laundry and all of that. It’s extremely frustrating. They have also all given my baby a nickname which I don’t really agree with.

They left last night and I just feel this sense of emptiness. With all the comments and actions on how I’m running my home and now being sick and in bed with all the “you can’t just lay around once you have that baby” like no shit but I literally have Covid and a fever so leave me alone. The moment they left I burst into tears, I just feel extremely inadequate, and now my husband is going away for the next 2 days for work and I will be here completely alone (we recently moved here for his work and I have no friends or relatives nearby). I asked him to please cancel the trip as I have Covid and I’m pregnant but he tested negative and his boss said to go.