Looking for all the positive vibes before vaccination today!


I am 34 weeks and scheduled for my first Moderna vaccine this evening, and I'm honestly so nervous and unsure about it, even with discussing with several doctors in my OB group.

I had Covid during my first trimester in August, along with my now 4 year old, and we've had so many close calls lately and people generally not looking out for our well-being or taking precautions seriously (ie. waiting until we're in person to let us know they've been in contact with someone that was positive....) I feel like I have to try to protect this little one before he's born, and I definitely don't want to see what kind of damage a second round of Covid would do to me (I know the vaccine isn't 100% for prevention.)

Please, please share with me positive experiences and success stories to help me feel more confident in going to this appointment today.