Baby blues


How did you handle them?

My second son was born on Thursday at 2 weeks early via emergency c section due to cord compression/fetal distress.

We are having trouble with breastfeeding - have to supplement formula even though baby roots for the boob. I need to decide if I’m going for one or other.

Trying to come home after a c section and take are of a newborn and 4 year old is trying

My house is a hot mess and was not ready or in shape for a baby to come home to

I’m in pain from the C-section

And now just cry randomly on and off all day long. Sad I missed 2 weeks of pregnancy. Couldn’t get the Vbac I wanted. Messed up my newborn with half breast half formula.

What can I do? What can I try? I feel just sad the whole pregnancy, delivery and hospital experience is over. I cried being discharged from the hospital lol.