Induction didn’t work!


I had possibly the worst experience, I had many issues in my pregnancy, firstly we had <a href="">fertility treatment</a> to get pregnant then I had low Papp-a and gestational diabetes. I had 3 miscarriages and 2 ectopics prior to my boy and my sister lost her little girl at 33 weeks so my anxiety was already 100%.

So I had to be induced as was on insulin and they wouldn’t allow me to go past 39 weeks so I was induced at 38… firstly I had the pessary put in which was in for 24 hours, they took it out after the 24 and the midwife said I might be able to have my waters broken on the Thursday I was so excited, I had to wait for a room on delivery which there wasn’t a room until Friday morning at 7am. I phoned my fiancé to come up, he got to me as I was in the delivery suite, the midwife on delivery said there wasn’t a chance she could break them so she got a senior midwife to check, they put my legs up so they could see and she told me whoever made the decision to break my waters clearly made the wrong decision as if she tried to break them she would’ve damaged my cervix! I was horrified! They put the balloon in to try open my cervix some more on the Friday morning then I went back to the ward!

24 hours after they took the balloon out! Finally my waters were ready to be broken - Saturday morning!!! Here is where my mental state didn’t cope… they didn’t get me back onto delivery until TUESDAY! I was struggling, bouncing on the ball to try pop my waters myself, walking the whole lot and nothing! They broke my waters Tuesday at 7pm, I was hooked up on insulin, a hormone drip, baby being monitored so couldn’t get out of bed like what you want to do while in labour, I had to lay there full contractions every 2 minutes for my 10hours! I was exhausted as I was in hospital for 7 days with no sleep because I had to be monitored every 6 hours so they woke me up to do this. After 10 hours of full labour and 6/7 days of induction I dilated 3cm!!!!!!! I had an emergency c-section at 9am Wednesday morning as they told me my sons head started to overlap because he was pushing onto my cervix and it wasn’t opening! If I had known on day 3 on being induced I would’ve had a c-section I’d have opted for it then!

100% c-section next time, my mental state was shocking those few days as I was in the same room as a where I last saw my niece before she got took to the funeral directors so it was a huge mindgame for me to try stay positive.

So many people have good induction stories and I went into it hoping that would be me after such a hard pregnancy but I guess my body didn’t want to play ball and the midwife that said she could break my waters fucked up too as he would’ve been here 4 days earlier has she not said that!