Saniry check? Baby got bath water in her nose and/or mouth

I’ll start this by saying I’m a nervous ftm. Please don’t judge too harshly.

I was bathing my 8-month old tonight and as she was sitting up and playing with her rubber ducky, I poured water over her head and a bunch of it spilled down her face. She must have inhaled it because she coughed two or three times and looked at me with surprise. I feel like the world’s worst mother, but, more importantly, I’m terrified of having hurt her. I realize that the rates of secondary drowning are generally low, but Google offers conflicting advice and I’m watching her sleep calmly and can’t bring myself to calm down.

Anyone else experienced this? The after hours pediatrician assured me that she will be fine and advised that I watch for lethargy or behavioral changes, but it’s hard to watch for lethargy in a sleeping baby. She did nurse as she always does before bed, but she fell asleep a bit quicker than usual (though that may be because she only had one solid nap today).

I’m not sure what I’m asking. Maybe advice about what else to look for? Stories of similar things having happened to your little ones? Confirmation of shitty parenting on my part but assurances that my most precious gift will be okay?